Home Coping Skills Calm Box

Calm Box

by creativeplaytherapist

Coping Tool Kit/Calm Box/Self-Care Package

This is primarily used for temper tantrums, but it is also often helpful for clients to have a central place to keep items related to therapy, especially after termination. I have clients decorate their box and fill it with anything they feel will help to look back on.

Suggested items:

  • Coping Tools: Include multiple options of coping tools.  These can include feelings identification activities, CBT reminders/worksheets, sensory items, etc.
  • Reminders of Supports: Photos and letters from family/friends. Encouraging letters written by the client could also be a nice addition.
  • Means of Self-Expression: To prevent this tool from becoming a way for clients to avoid their problems I always encourage clients to confront what they are feeling. Suggestions of items to include are a journal, art supplies/sketch book, etc. 
  • Resource List: Include a list of community resources, referrals, hotline numbers, etc. in case they become necessary.
  • Grounding Techniques: Include a grounding object and a list of a few of your favorite grounding techniques to do when needed. Click here for suggestions.
  • Therapy Materials: Interventions, work done in sessions, note from therapist, photos of important sand trays, etc.
  • Self-Care: Include self-care items as well as self-care reminders (ex. self-care calendar, goals, etc.)

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