Printable in-session signs. Click here if you want to download free PDF versions.
Click here to see this template for session notes
Nature Mandalas: Flowers, stones, nuts, leaves, fruit, sticks, shells, etc. Start your circle in an area which will allow your art work to grow, such as a beach, a field, a grassy knoll or a space of…
Click here for a free online training on Cognitive Processing Therapy that focuses mainly on treating military and combat-related PTSD.
Crystal Ball Thinking Worksheets
This is a simple, fun holiday activity that is easily adaptable. Hide Halloween-themed items around the room as part of a scavenger hunt. Each item should come with a card…
Mandala Monday: I think that I am going to create a Mandala related post every week for the rest of the month. Creating a Mandala is a calming and reflective process that…
Free Recovery E-Books: Mood Juice created downloadable PDFs for anger, anxiety, bereavement, chronic pain, depression, obsessions/compulsions, panic, post traumatic stress, shyness and social phobia, sleep problems and stress. The ones I…
Spanish Mental Health/Social Work Glossaries Glossary of Mental Health Terms in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Italian Spanish-English Psychology and Therapy Terms English-Spanish Dictionary of Health Terms Ebook (and here) Mental Health…