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CBITS (Free Online Training)

by creativeplaytherapist

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS): CBITS is an EBP that is used primarily within the LA Unified School District with students who have experienced trauma.  Connie, School Social Work Intern, provided me with this great information that I wanted to share.

What is CBITS?

  • It is group intervention with a curriculum of ten 1-hour, weekly sessions
  • There are also 1-3 individual sessions and a psychoeducation component for parents and teachers
  • It is typically done in a school setting and is most commonly used with 6th to 9th grade (ages 10 to 15)
  • The aim is to relieve symptoms of PTSD (and associated depression or anxiety) among trauma-exposed children
  • It is a skills-building, early intervention approach
  • It was developed as a collaboration between LAUSD, UCLA, and the RAND Corporation
  • It is not a crisis intervention program, and is intended to address traumatic events that occurred more than 3 months prior
  • It has been adapted for use with low-literacy students, Spanish-speaking immigrant students

Teaches students six cognitive-behavioral techniques:

  • Education about common reactions to trauma
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Real life exposure
  • Stress or trauma exposure
  • Social problem-solving

CBITS Session Topics

  • 1: Introduction, Trust-building and Goal-setting
  • 2: Learning about Common Reactions to Stress
  • 3: Thoughts & Feelings
  • 4: Countering Negative Thoughts
  • 5: Avoidance and Coping
  • 6: Exposure to Stress Memory through Imagination/Drawing/Writing
  • 7: Exposure to Stress Memory through Imagination/Drawing/Writing
  • 8: Introduction to Social Problem-Solving
  • 9: Practice with Social Problem-Solving
  • 10: Relapse Prevention and Graduation Ceremony

Strengths of CBITS

  • Seeks to inform and engage the school system (ex. teachers) and parents
  • Group format: Peer support, normalizing experiences, more students provided with services at once
  • Emphasis on coping skills and strategies that students can use in everyday life

Trauma Resources

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