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Family Therapy Balloon Activities

by creativeplaytherapist
  • Juggling Issues: In a family session it is common for the topic of discussion to snowball as family members bring up multiple subjects at once.  Have each family members blow up balloons and write an issue on each one.  The family then stands in a circle and bats a balloon around without letting it touch the ground.  Add the rest of the balloon, one at a time, to demonstrate how ineffective it is to juggle so many issues at once.  Afterwards the family decides together which issue to tackle during that session.
  • Balloon Pass: Have the family/group stand in a circle and make up (or have them make up) ways to pass a balloon around (ex. using only elbows, feet, etc.).  Have them hold hands in a circle and try to keep the balloon from touching the ground as they bat it around without letting go.
  • Busy Balloons: Have family/group members partner up and call out different body parts that they must hold the balloon up with (ex. noses, elbows, etc.)  If there is an odd number of people then family members can take turns being the person calling out body parts.
  • Balloon Waddle: Each person holds a blown-up balloon between their legs.  The family/group must come up with a way together to get across the room without anyone dropping the balloon (ex. jumping, waddling, rolling, etc.).  Once one slips then everyone must re-strategize and start over.  Yo could also modify this to with partners or as a relay.

* These activities promote team-work, group cohesion, attunement, communication, problem-solving/conflict-management, etc.

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